
发布日期:2018-11-08作者:admin来源: 浏览量:

       西藏林芝市巴宜区丙文酒业有限公司,坐落于美丽的西藏江南—林芝八一镇,从2014年成立始,就以改善人们的健康为己任,致力于食药同源的健康酒企。推出的“嘎朗·尼杰”王室配制酒是传承于千古藏方研制的成果,此酒以高原动植物、矿物精华神秘搭配,以藏家传统酿造技艺酿造而成,嘎朗·尼杰,是为纪念对嗄朗王朝作出杰出贡献并对酒方形成有着重要影响的嗄朗王尼玛杰波而命名的。嗄朗王朝为藏区最古老的王朝之一,建于公元560年,距今近一千五百年的历史。这里素有“西藏的江南”之美誉,气候温润、有着得天独厚的地理环境。“嘎朗·尼杰”王室配制酒,为当年王室御调的养生酒,专供王族贵胄享用。因缘际会,30年前,董事长方荣先生在林芝偶遇德高望重的修行者,与之结缘,并获赠留传于世的王室御制酒配料古方,如:牦牛鞭、牦牛骨、鹿鞭(人工养殖)石榴、佛手、刀豆、蛹虫草、枸杞、红枣、核桃、藏红花等汉藏珍贵食药物材。 嘎朗·尼杰”王室配制酒 集汉藏珍稀名贵食药物精华,药食同源,嘎朗·尼杰” 3年窖系列酒包括:52%、48%、42%、36%度酒。每一瓶酒,从配制至出厂,少则半年,多则3年。各种食药物材的精华,完美溶于酒中,每一滴都融入了大自然的精华和原生态的营养,酒香四溢,于唇齿间品味岁月的锤炼,在回味中畅饮生态佳酿,纵享健康精髓。一杯溢秀,满壁遗香,来自雪域江南的馈赠。“嘎朗·尼杰”,从传说中走来,向未来而去,神奇的嘎朗-尼杰王室配制酒是您生命旅程中的健康伴侣。

Nyingchi Tibet Bingwen Health Wine Industry co.,Itd,was located in wonderful Tibet Jiangnan,Nyingchi Bayi town. Since established in 2014, it has been aimed at improving human’s health, also devoted to healthy liquor company of food medicine homology. It came out “嘎朗 尼杰”, royal preparation of health wine, is an achievement that inheritance in Tibet developed through the ages. This wine is mysteriously matched with the mineral, extract of plateau animals and plants, brewed in traditional Tibetan brewing technique. In order to in memory of the emperor 尼玛杰波 who made an outstanding contribution to ga lang dynasty as well as had a significant influence on the development of health wine, it named 嘎朗 尼杰. Ga lang Dynasty is one of the most ancient dynasties in Tibet, build in AD 560, nearly one thousand and five hundred years of history from now. With the good weather and advantageous geographical environment, it has long been known as “the Changjiang River in Tibet” reputation. Royal preparation of wine “嘎朗 尼杰” was a health wine brewed by royal enjoyed by royal families. Thanks to the destiny 30 years ago, the chairman Mr. Fang rong encountered a revered yogi and made friends with him. The yogi gave Mr. Fang rong the acient prescriptions of royal preparation health wine that spread in people. For example, Yak’s peins, Yak’s bone, pomegranate, fingered citron, sword bean, cordyceps extract, medlar, red dates, walnut, saffron and other Sino-Tibetan precious food–medicine materials. Royal preparation of health wine “嘎朗 尼杰”, collects the essence of Sino-Tibetan valuable and precious food–medicine materials, food medicine homology. “嘎朗 尼杰” 3 years cellar series health wine include 52%, 48%, 42%, 36% degree wine. Each of them, from preparation to leave the factory, at least half a year and at most 3 years. All kinds of the essence of food–medicine materials perfectly dissolved in wine, each drop are blended with natural essence and primitive nutrition. Alcohol will flow like water on the beaches, tasting the years between your lips and teeth, drinking ecological treasure in aftertaste, enjoying the essence of health. A cup of wine, surrounded by lingering fragrance.  “嘎朗 尼杰”, a gift from snow area in Jiangnan, coming from the legend and heading to the future. Magical Royal preparation of health wine “嘎朗 尼杰” is a healthy mate in your life journey.